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Leaders Of Tomorrow, Today

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Bad Move

For years, Rydon put the needs of others before his. Finally breaking away from his daily routine, he began to feel like himself again. Then, things take a drastic turn, forcing him back into the field to accept what ends up being his last case.

Deluxe Edition

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Nobody Cares

Nia Henrik helped raise her siblings for most her life. As she aged, nothing changed. After learning how to make a living for herself as a teenager, Nia began to walk her own path. Whether right or wrong, she's willing to learn things the hard way.

Ready, Set... Roar!

A flash of lightning pierced the sky, waking Little Lion and the rest of his pride. Standing to his feet with wobbly knees, smoke and fire was all he could see. The Prince of The Jungle was well on his way, until one slip and fall ruined his whole day.

Welcome to the Buena Vista Campus:

Isaiah McWallace knew the world was his at a young age. Through his eyes he could do no wrong.  His charm and wit bailed him out of trouble since high school until a night laced with chaos changed his life forever.

Depleting what was  once a lofty savings account jeopardized his family’s immediate and long term future.  How will Isaiah and his family survive without the luxuries they grew used to?  

Will the change affect his marriage, his children?  When everything falls down, who can Isaiah rely on?  Witness baseball’s most beloved icon take a swing at his first test of strength in fatherhood.

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